Month: يوليوز 2021
الخطاب المشفر في العيطة العبدية
The Aita Abdia is a witness to the political history of the Abda region. It lends itself as a kind of discourse that reflects the way of thinking and living of a society, its ideology as well as its values. It groups together implicit statements which aim to camouflage meaning. To do this, it must …
كلمات كانت معاه وقلبت عليه
Kant maah galbet alih daret ghiro ghi tmaa osanhat fih tomobilat olaflous mchat rah tahet bsoumha bghat tarjea lih kanet maah galbet alih daret ghirou ṭmʿ ūsmḥt fīh al-ṭūnūbīlāt ūlflūs mšāt rāh ṭāḥt bsūmhā bġāt trǧʿ līh īā mʿāhā dūz ʿmr qṣā mʿhā ūṣbr ʿṭāhā rbī īʿṭīh aīdīrhā fāldār līhā klmẗ ūšwār ḥāsbhā ktbġīh kānt …