Interview with Artist “Nour Fattan Al-Mahdi” Known as “Weld Hajib”

Welcome El Mahdi Ould Hajib.

Thank you Mr Hassan.

First, who is El Mahdi Ould HaJib?

Mehdi Ould Hajib is “Nour Fattan El Mehdi” who grew up in 1987 in the suburbs of Safi (tnin laghyat). I entered the field of art for 14 years as a hobby and then entered the field of professionalism with many famous artists.


Your first album, “bin jmaa bin tlat”, has been on the market for weeks, and is the first album of your career. The album contains 6 songs: “Khouitmo fi Idya o Hkamo Aalia”, “Habibi hada wkan”, ” “braoul chyadmya” and “swakn”o “brawl”. The work is the conclision of 14 years of experience and experience in the Aita art. Why did you take all this time before releasing your first album?


For the time I took to release the album, we also know that the Aita is difficult to reach with her complex rhythms and changing her temples because her unique composition (al aassaba, al aatoub, al kotayibat, assouissa, etc.). This is the motivation that made me take the time to not to be parasite on the field.

Why did I choose to sing Al Aita despite the situation that Aiayta artists are experiencing today?


I chose Al aita because it proves my Moroccan identity and its texts all reflect historical periods and real events. As for the situation of Aiyta’s artists today, I believe that the artist must be convinced and diligence despite all the obstacles and sensitivities in the field.

Where did you learn Ayout and who are the artists that influenced you?

I learned Al-Aayout from a several elders shoyoukh, including Khadija Markoum, Sheikha Dona and Sheikh Hajib and others

Do you think that the road of Al aita is difficult?



It’s difficult, especially with the lack of support and the existence of obstacles such as nepotism.

How do you see the status of the art and artists of Al aita today?

The situation of some of the artists is a shameful situation in the absence of the cultural institution.

What are your ambitions for singing in general and in Al ayta in particular?

My ambition is to make Al ayta spread throughout the Arab world and to overcome this heritage out of the borders of Morocco, and after the departure of my album he was written by the Egyptian newspapers and Saudi Arabia Lebanese Kuwaiti and so on. This is my honor.

Is Al aita at risk in your opinion?

Al-Aita is not in risk because she is in good hands with qualified researchers looking at this legacy of love like Hassan Najmi and Hassan al-Bahrawi and others.


What do you think Aita’s artists are facing today?

One of the most difficult constraints faced by the artists is lack of support and especially from the media and cultural institutions in the country.

What is your message to fans of this page?

I wish Aita’s fans to support real art.

Thank you very much, the Artist Mahdi Ould Hijib for your time and kindness. I wish you more success and brilliance. Bye.


Interviewed by Hassan Abnaou


February 27, 2017

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